vitamin D overdose can be harmful for health know its disadvantage

vitamin D overdose can be harmful for health know its disadvantage

Vitamin D Dosage: Vitamins are said to be essential for health because they help in running the body’s systems smoothly. If there is a deficiency of these in the body, then the body’s function and health are adversely affected. But sometimes in the name of health, we take overdose of vitamins and this can also be dangerous for health. Talking about Vitamin D, its overdose can be fatal for you. According to a recent news, an elderly man in London died due to overdose of Vitamin D. Let us know what harm overdose of Vitamin D can do to the body.

Vitamin D overdose harms health

Health experts say that taking overdose of Vitamin D increases the toxins in the body. Excess of Vitamin D causes hypervitaminosis in the body and the body becomes victim of many types of problems. If seen, the dosage of Vitamin D on daily basis for children up to one year should be 400 International Units (IU).

Its dose has been fixed at 600 IU for a person aged above one year to 70 years. Along with this, for people above 70 years of age, its daily dose is up to 600 IU. If more than this dose is consumed, there may be a risk of many serious diseases in the body.

What does research say?

Many recent researches have said that overdose of Vitamin D reduces a person’s appetite. Apart from this, one feels nauseated and starts vomiting. The motions of the person become irregular. Along with this, it also affects the brain and conditions like confusion and depression start arising. If too much Vitamin D is lost in the body then the person can even go into coma which can also prove fatal. Therefore, health experts have been advising not to take excessive Vitamin D supplements.

How to supplement Vitamin D

If you are not able to get Vitamin D naturally then you should include Vitamin D rich foods in your diet instead of supplements. This includes dairy products, orange juice, soy milk, fish, cheese and eggs. By consuming these, Vitamin D deficiency in the body can be compensated.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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